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88 percent of Married Couples believe Smartphones are ruining their relationships, reveals a Study

A recent study conducted by Vivo revealed that smartphones are ruining the relationship of every 8 out of 10 married couples.

Keeping it to the point

  • The fourth edition of Vivo’s “Switch Off” study was released on Monday. 
  • The study revealed how smartphones are ruining the relationships of Indian Married Couples. 
  • Vivo in association with CMR (CyberMedia Research) studied people across Indian Cities. 

By Crox Media Desk: The debate regarding the advantages and demerits of smartphones is never going to end. On one side the smartphone has connected people across the globe on the other it is creating a rift between the people who are living together. A new study conducted by the Chinese Mobile Manufacturer Vivo revealed that around 88 percent of Indian Couples are facing issues in their relationships due to smartphones. 

Vivo in Association with CyberMedia Research (CMR) released its fourth edition of Vivo’s “Switch Off” study titled “Impact of smartphones on Spousal Relationships” on Monday. For the study, the company covered more than 1000 consumers across Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Pune, the study focused on behavioral and psychological changes in relationships of married couples due to excessive use of Smartphone devices. 

Smartphone addiction disrupts person conversations 

Nearly 70 percent of people confessed that they get irritated if their spouse interrupts them while they are using their smartphone. 69 percent of couples owned up that they give attention to their spouse while conversing with them. The study also revealed that 84 percent of respondents wish to spend more time with their spouse and agree that in-person engagements as more relaxing and they spend less time doing the same. However, people are accepting the impact of smartphones and want to change. 

Benefits of Smartphones 

Even though negative problems are emerging due to these technology innovations, the fact cannot be denied that smartphones have benefits too. According to Vivo’s study, smartphones are helping 60 percent of people stay connected with their loved ones. In addition, 59 percent of the surveyed people agreed that smartphones have improved their lifestyle and knowledge as well. 55 percent of people said that smartphones help them boost their productivity. 

Control of smartphone addiction 

So, if people have problems with smartphones and yet confess that the device is hindering their mental peace or relationship so what do you do next?

Well, everything access has severe effects. But as a responsible human being, it is very essential to have time for your loved ones as well.

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